...they learn to pitch their food across the table
...they re-decorate your flooring to test the law of gravity
...they tell you it's time to wash your sweater as they wipe their hands clean off it
...they tell you when it's time to clean your bathroom by spilling water OVER the bathtub or spraying it on your pants
...they confuse you by pointing at the shower and getting upset if you don't turn it on.
..they get upset if you pull them out of their bath.
...they love washing their hands because they like bringing their step stool and gathering all your toiletries into the sink full of water.
...they talk theatrically with their hands out like a politician and look at you as if waiting for an answer
...they say NO, ALL THE TIME, even when they mean yes.. and they are not even adults in relationships yet.
...you can't shop with them unless you make them walk around the mall or the grocery store and play with price tags or break something that you might be charged to pay for.
...they only eat certain foods they think are 'cool' to eat today
...they behave well at daycare making you look like a paranoid parent.
...they try to fit their fat little toes in your boots or slippers and get upset if you take them away
...you take the slippers away, they find them and bite them instead... like a poor neglected pet.
...they point and laugh at the little boobies that once fed their little tummies when they see them
...they learn to turn the TV and DVD player on and off and play with any remote at your place or someone else's
...they learn to use your cellphone as a drool catcher and a toy at the same time
...they pretend to be Oscar contenders for the drama queen/king award.
...they understand what you are saying even if you don't understand them
...they throw you butterfly kisses and give you wet kisses
...they hug you after you play hide-and-seek with them
...they wave 'bye-bye' as you leave the room while you wish them good night.
...they get cuter and cuter in your eyes and it's hard to resist their requests
...they feel so comfortable around you that they shed all the "mister/miss perfect routine' around you
...they call you in the morning as they wake up and they yell 'mama? mama?'. :)
...they flash you a big smile as you pick them up at daycare.. but they don't want to leave. :P
Moms, feel free to add to this list.. ;)