Sunday, February 20, 2011

H - Learning from my mistakes

So gastro.... that's what you ladies call it, good old 'sickness and diarrhea' (tell it like it is) in the UK. Boy, it's ghastly.

Thursday afternoon, F is struck by vomiting.
Thursday night, vomiting finally subsides once mummy realises that even the tiniest sip of water provokes retching.
Pedialyte? You have got to be kidding mum.
Sleep is our best friend.

Friday morning - mummy isn't feeling so hot.
She gets the D in S&D.... all day.
Mummy reads a lot. When to reintroduce solids? Any solids? Milk? Some say no, only water, rice, bread, bananas and apples (including my mother). Others (Pediatricians who should know better) say EVERYTHING. Normal diet equals quicker recovery.
Who is right? Experimenting on F begins.

To cut to the chase, Mum is right - NO dairy, not a drop. Because if you give milk to a recovering gastro sufferer you get cheese vomit and nasty nasty diarrhea and a very sad baby. Sorry for the gritty details but I want to warn you off the 'new' approach to giving solids. After yesterday's dairy disaster today I followed the old and wise sayings of our mothers. She ate bread, rice cooked in broth, banana, apple, cheerios, bread and chicken soup. And I have not seen hide nor hair of them since, not from any end.

Learn from my mistakes!