Sunday, June 26, 2011

H - Bed time revisited

We were forced, today, into a mattress on the floor, dismantling the crib situation. This is not how I would plan it, I'm a planner, regimented at times when it comes to our tout-petit. And given her desire to climb anything in sight, including her crib, we were really hoping that she wouldn't have this desire during the night or during a nap until we return from the UK in late August. We didn't want an unsettling chaneg in the midst of lots of changes (housesitting for 3 weeks in July whilst renovations in our house were being done) followed by a 3 week trip to the UK. You can see why.

Plus you know, there must be books out there that you can read to prepare your little one for a big bed. And there's this great idea that you buy the bed and install it in the room next to the crib and your child decides when to switch.

Ha ha.

She climbed right out after nap today, and when I went into her room to get her up she's standing behind the door. Looking a little dazed, rubbing her leg and forehead. Right then my husband and I took an executive decision - take the cot down. And we did it with her watching and she got to make up her bed on the floor with her crib mattress. Luckily she has been napping on a mattress on the floor at daycare for a couple of weeks so it's not a huge shock, but it seemed sudden to us.

Anyway, I'll let you know what happens tomorrow morning.... so far, one waking as a result of rolling out of bed onto the blanket. She was easily comforted, didn't fully wake and we tucked her back in (something she's not used to) and added more cushioning.

Wish us luck.